USMDP-Relevant Recommendations of the DOE HEPAP Accelerator R&D Subpanel
Recommendation 5.
Participate in international design studies for a very high- energy proton-proton collider in order to realize this Next Step in hadron collider facilities for exploration of the Energy Frontier. Vigorously pursue major cost reductions by investing in magnet development and in the most promising super- conducting materials, targeting potential breakthroughs in cost-performance.
- Recommendation 5a. Support accelerator design and simulation activities that guide and are informed by the superconducting magnet R&D program for a very high-energy proton-proton collider.
- Recommendation 5b. Form a focused U.S. high-field magnet R&D collaboration that is coordinated with global design studies for a very high-energy proton-proton collider. The over-arching goal is a large improvement in cost-performance.
- Recommendation 5c. Aggressively pursue the development of Nb3Sn magnets suitable for use in a very high-energy proton-proton collider.
- Recommendation 5d. Establish and execute a high-temperature super- conducting (HTS) material and magnet development plan with appropriate milestones to demonstrate the feasibility of cost-effective accelerator magnets using HTS.
- Recommendation 5e. Engage industry and manufacturing engineering disciplines to explore techniques to both decrease the touch labor and increase the overall reliability of next-generation superconducting accelerator magnets.
- Recommendation 5f. Significantly increase funding for superconducting accelerator magnet R&D in order to support aggressive development of new conductor and magnet technologies.
Recommendation C1a.
Ramp up research and development of superconducting magnets, targeted primarily for a very high-energy proton-proton collider, to a level that permits a multi-faceted program to explore possible avenues of breakthrough in parallel. Investigate additional magnet configurations, fabricate multi-meter prototypes, and explore low cost manufacturing techniques and industrial scale-up of conductors. Increase support for high-temperature superconducting (HTS) materials and magnet development to demonstrate the viability of accelerator-quality HTS magnets for a very high-energy collider.