Berkeley Lab

USMDP Driving Questions

These are the overarching questions that we seek to answer in our effort to make better and more powerful magnets that will help make future colliders affordable. The colors correspond to sections in the published Program Plan that lay out the details of the R&D plan.

Ultimate performance limits:

  • What is the nature of accelerator magnet training? Can we reduce or eliminate it?
  • What are the drivers and required operation margin for Nb3Sn and
    HTS accelerator magnets?
  • What are the mechanical limits and possible stress management approaches for 3 and 20 T LTS/HTS magnets?
  • What are the limitations on means to safely protect Nb3Sn and HTS magnets?
Cost and operational considerations:

  • Can we provide accelerator-quality Nb3Sn magnets in the range of 16 T?
  • Is operation at 16 T economically justified? What is the optimal operational field for Nb3Sn dipoles?
  • What is the optimal operating temperature for Nb3Sn and HTS magnets?
  • Can we build practical and affordable accelerator magnets with HTS conductor(s)?
  • Are there innovative approaches to magnet design that address the key cost drivers for Nb3Sn and HTS magnets that will shift the cost optimum to higher fields?
Conductor development:

  • What are the near and long-term goals for Nb3Sn and HTS conductor development?
  • What performance parameters in Nb3Sn and HTS conductors are most critical for high field accelerator magnets?